100% FREE Upwork Time Tracking

Connect Jibble with Upwork for real-time time tracking, accurate invoices and detailed reports.

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  • Upwork time tracking integration

    About Upwork

    Connect businesses with great talent

    Upwork is a talent marketplace to help growing businesses find and connect with top-notch freelance talent and agencies. Find projects, communicate with clients, collaborate remotely on various projects, and get paid — all on Upwork.


  • Time and attendance software integrations

    Upwork + Jibble integration

    How it works

    Use Jibble’s time tracker to monitor hours spent in Upwork message rooms, boosting productivity and ensuring you stay on top of your game.

  • Automatic sync of time entries across all platforms

    Effortless tracking

    Across all platforms

    Manage your time on the go! Seamlessly track time across computers, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets, ensuring flexibility and convenience wherever your freelance work takes you.

    Time clock software
  • Tracking activities and projects

    Juggling projects and clients?

    Log time with a click

    Manage your workload by tracking time across various projects and clients with Jibble. Ditch the manual work and focus on delivering your best freelance magic.

    Project time tracker
  • Pie charts & bar charts to show tracked data

    Detailed reports and insights

    It's in the details

    Drill down into comprehensive reports to analyze time utilization, budget costs, productivity patterns, and more. Explore the depths of your data with precision for informed decision-making.

    Reporting and analytics
  • Jibble payroll tracking breakdown

    Get the complete picture, effortlessly

    Payroll-ready time tracker

    Dive deep into payroll hours to get total costs and billable amounts with ease, ensuring efficient client management and accurate, fair billing.

    Payroll hours tracker
  • Export files in XLS or CSV

    Export timesheets in minutes

    Ready to be sent to clients

    Filter timesheets by project or client and export detailed timesheets in a few clicks. With Jibble, you can simplify your reporting process, save valuable time, and gain precise insights.

    Exporting timesheets
  • Sending invitation to members

    Getting started is easy

    Integrate Jibble with Upwork in minutes

    1. Create an account with Jibble. It’s free forever for unlimited users.
    2. Go to Integrations in Jibble and click on Upwork.
    3. Connect your Jibble account to your Upwork account via Zapier to power your integration.
    4. Choose and sort triggers and actions between Jibble and Upwork.
    5. That’s it!

    Get tracking NOW!