100% FREE Timesheet System for Teachers

Say goodbye to manually logging hours with Jibble’s timesheet system for teachers. Free for unlimited users.

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more than a year ago.
Time tracking and timesheet software
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  • Data syncing on the Jibble time and attendance tracking system. Track time on mobile, desktop or tablet.

    Accurate timesheets with auto-syncing

    No more pesky manual time entries

    Every time teachers log hours on the app, the data is automatically updated and synced to employee timesheets. This seamless process not only saves time but also guarantees that time records are always up-to-date and error-free.

  • Jibble Work Management Kiosk

    Simplify clock ins like a well-organized lesson plan

    …using Jibble's shared kiosks

    Let teachers clock in and out smoothly from a shared tablet or even a regular phone. Set up the attendance kiosk near classrooms or the teacher’s lounge so they never forget to log their attendance and start tracking time.

    Online Kiosk
  • A quick process of facial recognition

    Enable Speed Mode on kiosks

    Enhance security while getting rid of long lines

    With Speed Mode, clocking in is as simple as standing in front of the kiosk. Utilizing face recognition technology, this touchless feature streamlines clock ins/outs and makes attendance a breeze.

    Set up Speed Mode
  • Mobile display of attendance tracking showing clock-ins, clock-outs, and breaks

    Mobile time tracking

    Log your hours on the go

    Whether you’re lecturing in the classroom or leading activities across campus, Jibble’s mobile app ensures you can log your teaching hours. The mobile app comes with GPS tracking features that help ensure teachers are in the right classroom at the right time. Location data is captured with every clock-in.

  • Members can only clock in at designated locations

    Enable geofences

    Let teachers clock in only when on campus

    By enabling geofencing restrictions in Jibble’s settings, your team can only clock in/out from the designated authorized locations. Create geofences around campus or specific classrooms and specify the radius. If they try to clock in from outside this range, they’ll be blocked until they’re within the authorized area.

    Manage locations and geofences
  • Reports on time tracked on client, project and activity

    Track time against different activities and projects

    Know which tasks eat up the most time

    Set custom activities and projects within Jibble, whether it’s creating class presentations, conducting assessments, attending meetings, or engaging in research projects. You can designate activities as classes and projects as subjects or vice versa for better organization.

    Learn how to set up activities
  • Jibble dashboard showcasing time tracked in graphs and piecharts

    Dashboard insights

    Stay in the loop with teacher activities through Jibble’s dashboard

    See hours recorded by class, subject, schedule, or location, and know who’s present or not, right when it matters. Jibble’s dashboard gives you a bird’s eye view of all teacher activities for easier management.

    Manage your team on the dashboard
  • Leave management feature of a timesheet system for teachers.

    Effortlessly track staff leave

    Thanks to Jibble's leave tracker

    Jibble’s leave tracker simplifies the process, connecting leave with work schedules. Approve or manage leave requests conveniently through the web or mobile app. You can also monitor accrued, utilized, and remaining leave without any hassle.

    Manage time off for your teaching staff
  • Customize work schedules to be fixed or flexible

    Flexible scheduling

    Tailor your teaching schedules for optimal efficiency

    With Jibble’s flexible scheduling feature, you can create customized work schedules for each member of your teaching team. Whether you have fixed classroom hours or varying teaching sessions, Jibble adapts to your requirements.

  • Leave management feature of a timesheet system for teachers.

    Manage your staff's holiday calendar

    Set custom holidays that fit your school schedule perfectly

    Whether you’re aligning with school holidays, public observances, or creating your unique time-offs, Jibble offers the flexibility you need. You can easily set up custom holiday calendars and their date ranges, ensuring that even summer or winter school breaks are accurately accounted for.

    Manage public and school holiday calendars
  • Pie charts & bar charts to show tracked data

    Detailed reports and analytics

    Access detailed reports and easily export them

    Jibble’s intuitive charts and comprehensive reports provide invaluable insights into teaching progress, teacher productivity, and resource allocation. Leverage these analytics to enhance classroom management and optimize teaching strategies for better student outcomes.

    Export attendance reports
  • Automatically calculate work hours and overtime

    Payroll ready timesheets

    Easily prepare timesheets for payday

    Jibble makes it easy to prepare your timesheets for payday. Recorded teaching hours are automatically calculated and organized, ready for review and approval. Save time and ensure accurate pay every time.

  • List of timesheets to approve

    Streamlined timesheet approval process

    Review and approve timesheets right within the web app

    Principals, administrators, and head professors can easily be assigned as approvers for their respective teaching teams. They can have the authority to review and approve pay period timesheets for teachers, making the approval process hassle-free.

  • Time and attendance software integrations

    Seamless payroll integrations

    Connect Jibble with your preferred accounting tools

    Simplify your payroll process by integrating Jibble with your favorite accounting software. Whether it’s Xero, QuickBooks Online, Deel, or other popular accounting applications, Jibble’s integration ensures that your teachers’ payroll is seamless and accurate.

    Learn more about Jibble's integrations
  • Setup of daily and hourly time tracking reminders

    Never let a minute go untracked

    ...with Jibble's smart reminders

    Jibble ensures that tracking work hours becomes a seamless part of your team’s routine. Set reminders based on daily schedules or location, making sure they never forget to clock in, clock out, or take breaks.

    You can also enable automatic clock-outs, saving your teaching staff from any unintentional overtime.

    Set reminders and automatic clock outs
  • Invite team members via email, SMS or links

    Effortless onboarding

    Smooth and speedy setup for your teaching team

    Bring your colleagues on board effortlessly with quick and convenient invitation methods. Our user-friendly instructions will guide you through the setup process, ensuring that you and your team will be ready to make the most of our platform in a matter of minutes.

    If you ever need assistance, our friendly customer support team is here for you, 24/7.

    Start onboarding now - it's FREE!