100% FREE Student Absence Tracker

Manage student absenteeism to minimize drop outs and increase student success with Jibble’s student absence tracker. Free for unlimited users.

Time and Attendance App
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Monitor student attendance and absences with precision using Jibble…

  • Overview of timesheets on different platforms

    Access attendance and absence data

    All in real-time and on any device

    Access the Jibble mobile app on your iPhone or Android device when you’re on the go or via your laptop or desktop computer when you’re in the teacher’s office. Jibble offers added convenience by integrating with common messaging tools like Slack and MS Teams, in addition to its Google Chrome extension. Attendance data is automatically synced from the app to the cloud the moment students clock in for a class.

  • Track absences and leave on any device

    Set custom absence types

    Categorize absences based on their reasons

    Whether it’s “Sick Leave,” “Family Emergency,” or any other unique category, you have the flexibility to define and manage absence types. This helps you keep better track of why students are missing school and allows for more accurate recordkeeping.

    Creating time off policies
  • Multiple groups on web

    Need different attendance rules for different classes?

    Jibble's got you covered with flexible grouping features

    Create multiple groups for your different classes and customize the attendance rules for each of them. Whether it’s fixed lecture hours, flexible study groups, or labs at different times, our system adapts to your class schedules.



  • Importing a holiday calendar based on country (United Kingdom)

    Manage school and public holidays

    Customizable holiday calendars

    Easily set up calendars that align with your school’s unique holiday schedule. Whether it’s public holidays, semester breaks, or special school events, you can create a calendar for each. You can also import holiday calendars from Google or add them manually.

    Managing public holiday calendars
  • Approving or rejecting leave

    Review and approve absence requests

    Right within the app

    To request time off from school, students simply need to select the type of absence and set the start and end dates (in hours or days). They can also add notes to further explain the reason for their absence. Professors can then easily take necessary actions for these requests right in the app.

  • Pie charts & bar charts to show tracked data

    Attendance and academic success go hand in hand

    Manage it more effectively using Jibble's comprehensive attendance reports

    These reports provide a detailed overview of attendance, absence, late arrivals, and more enabling you to analyze trends and create targeted interventions to support struggling students. Export attendance reports in XLS format for analysis and recordkeeping. You can also view absences at a glance via the timesheets tab.

    Export attendance reports
  • Schedule to receive time reports via email

    Schedule attendance reports

    Have them sent straight to your inbox!

    You can choose the days and times that work best for you, and we’ll send your student attendance reports straight to your email. Trust Jibble to keep you consistently informed about student absences, so you’re always in the know.

    What are the different e-mails & alerts I can receive?
  • Clock in reminder via push notifications and email

    Stay on top of class schedules

    Remind students when it's time for class

    With Jibble’s automatic reminders, students can better build a habit of logging in and out on time according to their class schedules. These reminders are customizable, offering students the flexibility to set their own alerts. Plus, you’ll receive timely notifications in case of student tardiness or absence, ensuring everyone stays on track.

    Enable push notifications
  • GPS tracking and facial recognition

    Jibble is more than just an absence tracker

    It's designed to streamline various aspects of academic management

    Jibble includes advanced features like GPS tracking for remote activities, geofencing for adding location restrictions, efficient scheduling, automatic timesheets for streamlined payroll, facial recognition for secure attendance tracking, and plenty more! It’s your all-in-one solution for managing academic and administrative tasks seamlessly.

  • Methods to invite members via email or sms

    Get started in minutes...

    With reliable customer support whenever you need it

    With Jibble, it takes just a few minutes to get your team jibbling in and out smoothly. Easily invite students to join your organization and if you encounter any roadblocks, our customer support is here to help you 24/7.