Essa Review Aborda
- Visão geral
- O que os usuários gostam do TMetric?
- O que os usuários não gostam do TMetric?
- Quais são os planos do TMetric?
- Quais são os melhores recursos do TMetric?
- Seleção de críticas positivas dos usuários
- Seleção de críticas negativas dos usuários
- Qual é a média das avaliações do TMetric em sites de reviews?
- Qual é o meu veredito final sobre o TMetric?
Visão geral
Então, está interessado no TMetric? Beleza, deixa eu te dar uma ideia geral.
O TMetric é principalmente um aplicativo de rastreamento de tempo que foi desenvolvido pela Devart em 2016. Ao longo dos anos, ele foi ganhando vários outros recursos que vão além do simples rastreamento de tempo, e acabou por virar uma solução de negócios completa.
Com todos os seus recursos, o TMetric consegue gerenciar horários de equipes, atribuir tarefas e projetos e gerar relatórios cheios de insights. Ele pode até calcular e exportar todos os custos relacionados a projetos para criar faturas ou cobranças. Além disso, as opções de personalização ajudam a criar um plano claro e preciso para todos os projetos.
O que eu realmente gosto no TMetric é que ele oferece uma base de dados de funcionários bem completa e acessível para gerenciamento de equipes. Na aba de Membros, você pode personalizar as configurações dos membros, definir suas taxas por hora, tipo de trabalho, duração da jornada de trabalho, escolher em quais dias da semana eles podem trabalhar, e muito mais. O aplicativo também oferece ótimos recursos de gerenciamento de projetos, permitindo que os usuários monitorem o tempo total gasto por projeto, o tempo faturável e os custos totais do projeto. Para um rastreamento financeiro mais preciso, você pode configurar opções de cobrança e orçamentos de projetos com antecedência sempre que criar um projeto. A interface do aplicativo deles na web até que não é ruim. No entanto, não posso dizer o mesmo para as versões para computadores e celulares.
O programa para computadores do TMetric pode ser um verdadeiro labirinto para novos usuários, e o aplicativo para celulares tem um desempenho ruim e uma classificação baixa de 3,2/5 estrelas na Google Play Store e 3,8/5 estrelas na App Store. O sistema de atividade também poderia melhorar, já que ele tem dificuldade em calcular o tempo ocioso com precisão.
Pra piorar as coisas, o rastreador de horas do TMetric já recebeu algumas críticas por ocasionais trabamentos e interface de usuário lenta. Isso realmente pode prejudicar a experiência geral do usuário.
O que os usuários gostam do TMetric?
- Versão web fácil de usar
- Configurações de projetos personalizáveis
- Boa diversidade de integrações
- Relatórios claros
- Configurar é simples
O que os usuários não gostam do TMetric?
- Versão móvel deixa a desejar
- Travamentos ocasionais
- Versão para computador nada intuitiva
- Personalização limitada dos relatórios
Quais são os planos do TMetric?
O TMetric oferece três planos que atendem a diferentes necessidades de negócios. Quanto mais alto o nível, mais recursos você poderá acessar, mas é claro, o preço também aumenta.
Cada plano é cobrado por usuário e faturado anualmente ou mensalmente. Uma coisa interessante é que, quanto mais membros tiver na equipe, mais pode economizar na assinatura. Para saber os custos anuais ou mensais para sua equipe, é só inserir o número de usuários na página de preços do TMetric. Tem até uma barra que pode arrastar e ajustar conforme o tamanho da equipe, então dá para ver rapidamente o valor total. Realmente gostei desse nível de transparência nos preços do TMetric.
Agora, vamos aos três planos do TMetric para falar sobre o que você pode esperar de cada um.
O plano Gratuito é uma boa opção para empresas com poucos requisitos de rastreamento. Ele inclui os recursos básicos de rastreamento de horas do TMetric e permite que os usuários rastreiem o tempo por meio do cronômetro do aplicativo ou adicionando o tempo manualmente. O botão do cronômetro está disponível em mais de 50 apps web. Os usuários também podem editar entradas de tempo em massa e continuar rastreando o tempo offline. Além do rastreamento de tempo, o plano gratuito também possui recursos de relatórios, embora limitados a resumos de projetos. Eles podem ser exportados como arquivos CSV ou PDF.
O plano Gratuito não tem limite de projetos nem de clientes. Mas, infelizmente, ele só pode acomodar até 5 usuários. Se você tem uma equipe muito maior, precisará usar um dos planos pagos.
Com o preço de US$ 5 por usuário por mês, o plano Profissional dá um bom passo à frente do plano Gratuito, com recursos avançados de gerenciamento de projetos e equipes.
Nesse plano, os usuários também tem acesso a projetos e clientes ilimitados, e passam a poder definir
Nesse plano, os usuários ganham acesso a projetos e clientes ilimitados e a capacidade de definir permissões de projetos, taxas faturáveis, orçamentos e até personalizar ícones para clientes e projetos. Para o gerenciamento de equipes, o plano oferece a capacidade de editar perfis de membros do espaço de trabalho, adicionar avatares personalizados para membros e desativar usuários quando necessário. Ele também permite que você monitore os níveis de atividade de cada funcionário.
Under this plan, users gain access to unlimited projects and clients and the ability to set project permissions, billable rates, budgets, and even customize icons for clients and projects. For team management, the plan offers the ability to edit workspace member profiles, add custom avatars for members, and deactivate users when necessary. It also enables you to monitor activity levels for each employee.
Ao contrário do plano gratuito, que se limita apenas a resumos de projetos, o plano Professional também pode gerar resumos de atividades completos com logotipos da empresa e diferentes formatos de horário. Os relatórios no plano Professional também são muito mais personalizáveis. E ainda por cima, o plano Professional inclui recursos de faturamento e se integra perfeitamente com plataformas de calendário como Google e Outlook, agilizando seu agendamento e planejamento.
Unlike the free plan, which is only limited to project summaries, the professional plan can also generate activity summaries complete with company logos and different time formats. Reports under the Professional plan are also much more customizable. To top it off, the Professional plan includes invoicing features and integrates seamlessly with calendar platforms like Google and Outlook, streamlining your scheduling and planning.
O plano Business oferece aos usuários o conjunto completo de recursos que o TMetric tem a oferecer por US$ 7 por usuário por mês.
The Business plan gives users the full suite of features that TMetric has to offer for $7 per user per month.
Com base nos recursos oferecidos no plano Professional, o plano Business vai um passo adiante. Além de todas as funcionalidades de gerenciamento de projetos e equipes, os usuários do plano Business ganham acesso ao recurso de captura de tela, relatórios de uso de aplicativos e sites, permitindo insights detalhados sobre hábitos de trabalho e produtividade.
Building upon the features offered in the Professional plan, the Business plan takes things a step further. In addition to all the project and team management functionalities, users on the Business plan gain access to the screenshot feature, apps, and site usage reports, allowing for detailed insights into work habits and productivity.
Os usuários também poderão aproveitar recursos como o Calendário de Férias, que facilita o gerenciamento de licenças, Ferramentas de Agendamento de Trabalho para um planejamento de tarefas eficiente e o Painel da Equipe, que fornece uma visão geral do desempenho da equipe. Além disso, o plano Business também pode sincronizar o tempo com o Jira e Quickbooks. Tudo isso o torna uma escolha adequada para empresas que buscam gerenciamento de tempo abrangente e recursos de aumento de produtividade.
Users will also be able to leverage features like the Time Off Calendar, which facilitates leave management, Work Scheduling tools for efficient task planning, and the Team Dashboard, which provides an overview of team performance. On top of that, the Business plan can also sync time with Jira and Quickbooks. All of this makes it a suitable choice for businesses looking for comprehensive time management and productivity-enhancing features.
What are the Standout Features of TMetric?
1. Time Tracking and Reporting
TMetric allows users to track their work time through an easy-to-use system. Simply press the play button, and viola, the timer starts running, and you can get to work. Time entry details can be added as the timer is running or later on. You can also log work hours manually by clicking “Add Time Entry.” This will require you to specify their start and end times, which project you worked on, and a brief task description.
The desktop app adds more functionality to TMetric’s time tracking by automatically detecting periods of inactivity and prompting users to take breaks. This ensures accurate tracking of billable hours. If you accidentally leave the timer on, which, believe me, can happen even to the best of us, TMetric will notify you of overrun.
The TMetric time tracker can track time in over 50+ different websites and apps through integrations. It can also run even when you’re offline.
All tracked hours on the app are synced in real-time to employee timesheets, along with their idle time, calculated through the no-keyboard-usage system. These can be exported as PDF or CSV reports for recordkeeping or payroll processing. Other reports that users can export via the app include activity summaries and app and site usage. These can be customized for a specific date range, employee, project, and so on.
2. Project Management
With TMetric’s project management feature, businesses can simplify their workload and create clear and straightforward project plans for their employees. Users can set up billable rates for projects and workers, set budgets based on monetary or time equivalents, and track how the budget money for a project is spent.
TMetric automatically calculates the total billable amount per project based on the project rates you’ve set. You can generate project invoices for a specific time range and export them as an Excel or PDF file for convenient client distribution via email. For a much more streamlined invoicing process, you can also integrate TMetric with QuickBooks Online if you already have an account with them.
To view all project data, simply go to the project dashboard. Here, you’ll get a comprehensive view of project data, encompassing metrics such as hours invested, specific task breakdowns, billable amounts, and overall project costs. This gives you a clear picture of the project’s earnings in relation to the time invested so you can ensure your projects remain profitable. The dashboard can also be customized and filtered to a specific date range, team, or client.
All in all, I think in terms of project management, TMetric can efficiently get the job done. However, I would’ve loved more comprehensive visual data presentations to aid data analysis.
3. Team Management
Managing a team, especially a large one, is no walk in the park. Thankfully, TMetric has some valuable features in its arsenal that can help you in that area.
TMetric’s team management feature grants employers full control and a comprehensive overview of employee work hours. You can also edit workspace member profiles and set custom hourly rates, workweek schedules, user roles, and app permissions. This helps you tailor TMetric to match your specific team structure and requirements seamlessly.
The app continually monitors employee activity levels in 10-minute intervals, providing insights into their work patterns. For an even deeper view into your team’s activities, TMetric includes a screenshot feature, which grants employers direct visibility into their employees’ work. It’s worth noting that this data is collected only when the desktop app is installed on employee computers. Screenshots are only kept in the TMetric database for up to 6 months until they are automatically deleted.
There’s also a time off calendar for tracking Paid Time Off (PTO) and managing employee leave effectively. This calendar keeps you and your team well-informed about upcoming, planned, and used time off, simplifying shift scheduling and workforce coordination.
4. Apps and Integrations
The TMetric app is available on mobile, web, desktop, and even as a browser extension. This level of flexibility allows users to track time and manage projects from virtually anywhere. Fair warning, though: the app may not perform as well on mobile or desktop due to system bugs and glitches.
TMetric offers several integrations that allow it to blend into your workflow seamlessly. Integrate it with popular project management systems such as Jira Software, GitLab, and Redmine, as well as communication tools like Slack for a more efficient approach to handling tasks and projects. Connect it with calendars such as Google Calendar and Outlook to ensure your schedule aligns seamlessly with your tracked time and project deadlines.
The app also allows developers to create integrations for custom scenarios with its API, and along with their partnered service Zapier, TMetric can be connected to over 5000+ other apps.
Selected Positive User Feedback:
- “It’s perfect for a small service business like mine. But my absolute favorite feature is the ability to use the timer to start/stop/start project work on the fly.” – Ron P (Source Capterra)
- “I like the fact that there are so many features! The add-on for Firefox is very solid. This allows me to create tasks from within Asana for example. I like the fact that I can easily track my time working.” – Adrian G. (Source GetApp)
- “I loved how easy this software was to set up and how I can easily track the time each task takes using the Chrome extension on my browser” – Alys G. (Source GetApp)
- “I like that with the click of a button I can not only switch between clients but also subprojects for each of those clients.” – Tammi. O (Source Capterra)
- “I can easily see how much time I spend on a certain website or project. Very easy to use, informative.” – Annelies W. (Source GetApp)
- “Cost-effective and intuitive time tracker. This app streamlines our time tracking, team, and project management.” Natallia B. (Source GetApp)
- “No software to install. Easy UI – one button to click and that’s it.” – Mark B. (Source G2)
- “I like that it’s easy to track time with TMetric and to add time manually if you forget to start the timer. The time off module including the calendar is great.” – Daria B. (Source G2)
- “TMetric lets me easily switch to a different client and then resume what I was working on previously. It also makes billing my clients easy, as it syncs with Quickbooks Online.” – Joshua J.(Source Capterra)
- “It’s easy to add clients, and projects and track time. It’s also easy to update or fix issues. We really like the recent addition of time off requests, so we can also manage our PTO. Lastly, the activity tracker is a nice bonus.” – Verified Reviewer in Computer Software (Source Capterra)
- “Reports. Detailed and clear yet simple and easy to generate. They allow me to see recorded data of my team for any time range.” – Maryna N. (Source G2)
- “It helps me to prioritize a set of tasks within its respective period. It also helps me to easily connect with the client.” – Renelene Jay (Source Software Advice)
Selected Negative User Feedback:
- “It often crashes, breaks or bugs out, leaving myself and my team unable to track our hours in the software.” – Verified user in Marketing and Advertising (Source Capterra)
- “I find the mobile app to be quite limited in functionality for my liking.”- Fabricio O. (Source GetApp)
- “(…)the mobile app lacks, it often has bugs where the only way to fix them is to close the app.” – Philipe Lebois (Source Google Play)
- “The fact that “breaks” are recorded for literally any time that isn’t explicitly accounted for is misleading. Accounting for every minute may be good for companies that choose or need to micromanage the minor details, but I’d be okay with TMetric having the option to round up or down to the nearest 5 min. mark.” – Joseph D. (Source G2)
- “We like this software, but would appreciate it if the guys could add more functionality to the mobile app.” – Marie S. (Source G2)
- “It works best if you are working straight for a long period of time. Every time you pause the timer – even for just a minute – it creates a new time entry when you restart it. I would often have a long list of time entries, which just looks confusing.” – Ruth D. (Source Capterra)
- “Desktop version is nonintuitive. If I need to add a new task, it assumes that the task starts at the end of the last task. The software works on the assumption that you don’t take breaks in between tasks.” – Stacey B. (Source GetApp)
- “The project selection tool starts to get slow to load when you have a lot of projects in the system. The desktop application hasn’t always been that reliable (crashes, the window opening) although I still run it in the background to monitor what I’m working on, so I can go back and review it at any time.” – Jonathan (Source Software Advice)
- “Sometimes it has shutdowns. Sometimes it happened during a really important period of time, where I needed it the most. Plus, reports have limited customizations.” – Ali (Source Software Advice)
- “Occasional failures or loss of service without warning or apparent reason. The desktop application is a little complicated. Exporting reports to Google Drive takes a little bit of work.” – Alexander (Source Software Advice)
- “Sometimes its work is not stable (especially desktop). Plus, desktop version is not user friendly.” – Mike L (Source G2)
- “I’d like to have some additional classification methods and reports. I’m a Product Manager and I lead some people. A part of my time is dedicated to people and developing myself. I find it very hard to use the project classification for these entries.” – Ricardo C. (Source G2)
What are TMetric’s Review Ratings from Review Sites?
(As of December 2023)
- Capterra: 4.5/5
- G2: 4.6/5
- TrustRadius: 9.9/10
- GetApp: 4.5/5
- Software Advice: 4.5/5
- Google Play Store: 3.2/5
- App Store: 3.8/5
What’s my Final Verdict on TMetric?
There’s a lot to like about TMetric, particularly its project and team management features. Its ability to let users keep track of project hours, set budgets, and customize hourly rates can be a game-changer for businesses looking to maintain precise control over their projects.
As a time tracking software, TMetric isn’t bad, either. Using their timers is pretty straightforward, and you can add manual time entries with ease. But I do wish there was an option to track breaks and not just add them manually. The timer could also benefit from an added overtime tracking feature. I tested it out, and the timer didn’t seem to flag hours past the daily work limit. This can be an issue for companies that must comply with certain overtime rules.
My experience with the TMetric web app went without a hitch, but while their web app has no major issues, I can’t say the same for their mobile version. The TMetric mobile app has earned a less-than-stellar rating on both the Google Play Store and App Store, with users reporting spontaneous system crashes and unavoidable idle time difficulties. So, if you plan to use TMetric mostly on mobile, you might have to think twice.
All things considered, would I recommend TMetric for your business? Well, not entirely. It would greatly depend on your business needs. If all you need is a simple time tracking and project management tool for your laptop or computer, I’d say give it a go. But if you’re looking for a reliable and robust time tracking and workforce management solution that you can also use on mobile without any problems, I’d advise you to keep looking. There are definitely better options in the market for more or less the same price point. It’s a bit of brutal honesty, but I did promise you a completely honest review, didn’t I? Cheers.