100% FREE Pipedrive Time Tracking

Track your time effortlessly while managing leads and deals in Pipedrive.

Tracking time in Pipedrive with Chrome extension
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  • Pipedrive time tracking integration

    About Pipedrive

    Get qualified leads and grow your business

    Pipedrive is a web-based Sales CRM and pipeline management solution that enables businesses to plan sales activities and monitor deals. Pipedrive gives you the ability to automatically track and organize calls and emails while synchronizing schedules across devices.

  • Chrome timer extension

    Pipedrive + Jibble integration

    How it works

    Seamlessly track time on your Pipedrive deals and tasks with Jibble’s powerful Chrome integration. With accurate reporting and streamlined time management, Jibble helps you stay on top of tasks while focusing on what matters most—closing deals.

    Chrome time tracker
  • Tracking time in Pipedrive with Chrome extension

    Seamless time logging

    Stay on track without leaving Pipedrive

    Start and stop timers directly in Pipedrive to ensure every activity and deal is accurately tracked. No need to switch apps—log hours effortlessly within your existing workflow.

  • Chrome extension keyboard shortcuts

    Quick entry options

    Faster time tracking at your fingertips

    Use convenient keyboard shortcuts or right-click options to instantly log your time. Save steps and focus more on closing deals while keeping your time records precise.

    Using Jibble's Chrome extension
  • Tracking activities and projects

    Track worked hours across activities and clients

    For accurate time records

    Seamlessly track and monitor the time invested in deals and activities within Pipedrive using Jibble’s project time tracker, so you can gain invaluable insights into time allocation.

  • Highlighting text using to be automatically included as notes when clocking in via Jibble's chrome extension

    Automatic note-taking

    Contextual entries without extra effort

    Let Jibble take care of the details. With Jibble’s Chrome timer, your deal or task titles are automatically tagged in time entries, ensuring accurate and comprehensive records without extra effort.

  • Exporting timesheet data to XLS, CSV or payroll platform

    Detailed reporting

    Insights and analytics you need

    Easily generate reports that offer visibility into time distribution across different categories, helping you make informed decisions. Identify trends, assess productivity patterns, and pinpoint areas for improvement with ease.

    Time tracker with reporting & analytics
  • An overview of Jibble timesheets displaying real-time employee hours.

    Payroll ready in minutes

    Streamline payroll with accurate timesheets

    With Jibble, your timesheets are always ready for payroll with just a few clicks. Automatically track work hours, breaks, and overtime, ensuring accurate calculations every time.

    Timesheet app
  • Methods to invite members via email or sms

    Getting started is easy

    No fuss onboarding

    1. Create your FREE Jibble account. It’s free forever for unlimited users.
    2. Install Jibble’s Chrome Timer Extension.
    3. Start and stop timers directly in Pipedrive’s platform.
    4. That’s it!