Jibbleを使用すると、スタッフはMicrosoft TeamsのタイムトラッキングまたはSlackのタイムトラッキングを使用してジブルを行うことができます。また、アクティビティを切り替えたり、プロジェクトのメモを残すこともできます。さらに、マネージャーはMicrosoft TeamsとSlack内でタイムシートを見ることができ、誰が何に取り組んでいるかを見ることができます。お気に入りのチームコミュニケーションアプリで、すべてを完了させましょう。
The app is available on every device and works very simply. You can track time for large or small teams working on different activities for different clients or different projects. The integrations for slack and mobile apps make using Jibble fast and easy.
Jibble Rocks! So far, I've tried multiple platforms but I've stuck with Jibble as it is easy to use. Also, it sends me daily, weekly updates on the team's timesheet.
Really very pleased with Jibble... very easy to navigate and customer support is outstanding. Easy to clock in and out and make adjustments. Plus, reports are very easy to request.
Amazing app. We have a team of about 300 interns who need to track their hours for various reporting purposes. We found Jibble because of its integration with Slack. After about 20 minutes of testing it out, I decided it was an amazing tool and invited all 300 of my interns to start using it daily. With the Slack integration, it is easy to clock in and clock out without ever even having to leave Slack. It's PERFECT for our team.
Great tool for remote employees. I love the automated reports that show who on my team is logged in, the reminders when you have been logged in for a certain number of hours each day, and the weekly team recap. After trying several others, Jibble turned out to be the ideal fit for our needs. My team is in Slack all day and it makes it very easy to clock in and out each day by going to the Jibble Channel in Slack. It's super convenient.
Easy and awesome customer support. Fantastic, and a big problem solver for my small team. This is the type of company that will be successful. We've used Jibble since we were on Slack and then moved to MS Teams. The ease of use makes it an amazing tool.. and there is simply no other competitor that is close!
I have been using Jibble for the last 2 months, and it has just simplified the time recording process for my lean team. It is easy to use, and the tutorials are straightforward. Definitely worth having.
I onboard a lot of employees every month and it is simple to get them up and running with only a 2 minute explanation of how to use Jibble.