Updating your organization details

Changes to your organization name, timezone, date/time format, and reporting currency

Ensuring accurate and up-to-date organization details is crucial for effective time tracking. This guide will walk you through the process of updating your organization details in Jibble.

Organization settings on web

This article covers:

Organization details

  • Organization name

If you need to rename your organization, you can easily rename it here. The change will reflect accordingly across the app.

  • Country

Select the country for your organization.

  • Start week on

By default, it is set to Monday, but some organizations start their week on a different day. Your start week affects the display of your team’s overall timesheets. If Wednesday is chosen, the first day of the week will be Wednesdays on team timesheets.

  • Start Month

By default, it is set to January, the start of the calendar year. Some organizations may choose to set this to align with the start of their financial year. It’s applicable when it comes to reports.

  • Time format

There are 2 formats:

  • 12-hour clock (am/pm)(09:30pm)

  • 24-hour clock (21:30)

Choose your preferred time format. It will affect the entire app across your organization.

  • Timezone

Set your current timezone for your organization.

If you relocate to a different timezone, you will be automatically prompted to change your timezone accordingly. It’s optional to change it.

  • Duration format

Set your preferred duration format, which will affect the timesheets, reports, and some dashboard charts. When exporting a timesheet or report, you will also have the option to choose a different duration format.

Note: For time format, timezone and duration format, all users follow the organization’s settings by default. However, any user is able to override the organization settings on their Account settings.

  • Geofence radius

Set your preferred unit for geofence radius, whether it’s meters or feet. Team members will be able to override the organization geofence radius unit on their Account settings.

  • Language

Set your preferred language to use Jibble in. Team members will be able to override the organization language settings on their Account settings.

Read more about updating account settings.

Reporting currency

By editing the currency, the change will be applied to the user’s billable rate on their profile as well as the billable amount on the Tracked Time report.

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