Mobile App: Roles and permissions in Jibble

The different roles and their permissions: members, managers, and admins

Roles and permissions help manage who can access certain features and functionalities on Jibble’s mobile app within your organization. Assigning certain roles to users ensures that each individual has the relevant authority and level of access. In this article, we will dive into the many roles that Jibble offers and the specific permissions that go along with them.

This article covers:

Roles in Jibble

In Jibble, there are four roles:

  • Owner

Each organization has one Owner. When a user creates an organization, they are immediately assigned to this role. Being a “super user,” the Owner has the power to configure everything within the organization. Every organization can only have one Owner, and they cannot be removed.

Contact us at if you would like to transfer ownership of your company to another user.

  • Admin 

The Admin role is assigned to people who require full control over the organization’s settings. By default, Admins can:

  1. Add, modify, and delete every team member within the organization
  2. Add, modify and delete time entries of everyone within the organization
  3. Configure the organization settings

Each Admin’s permissions can be further customized via their personal profile settings (see below).

  • Manager

Managers are given the authority to manage and handle the teams and employees under their supervision. Managers are allowed to:

  1. Configure group settings for the groups they oversee
  2. Edit the personal information of team members they manage
  3. Add, modify and delete time entries of those they manage, which includes clocking in and out on their behalf

If you need a specific Manager to have additional permissions, you can also customize the permissions for each Manager through their personal profile settings.

  • Member 

Members are regular users who use Jibble to clock in and out and view their own timesheet data. Permissions for members are applied to all members in your organization and cannot be configured individually.

Assigning roles 

As an Owner or Admin, you are able to modify an employee’s role through their profile page.

  1. Go to Menu > People.
  2. Click on your preferred member.
  3. Click on the Role field.Changing role via member's profile on mobile
  4. Three options will appear; choose the role you wish to assign the member to.Changing role via member profile on mobile
  5. Click Done to save your changes. 

Note: The availability of roles and permissions may vary based on your subscription plan.

Permissions breakdown

  • Admins

Admin’s permissions that can be configured are: 

  1. Modify organization-wide settings – includes time tracking configurations, work schedules, locations, activities, projects, and time off settings.
  2. Update subscription plans and configuration – change subscription plans and billing information and ability to add more seats to the organization
  3. Manage integrations – enabling or disabling them for the organization 
  4. Edit any person’s profile – modifications can be made to any user’s profile within the company. This includes changing their roles, permissions, contact information, and personal information.
  5. Add and remove users from the organization – archive and delete current users or add new ones.
  6. Modify anyone’s time entries and timesheets – access and make changes to any user’s time entries, including accepting/rejecting their time off requests.
  7. Clock in or out any user – clock in/out for any user and use their own Kiosk PIN codes to override clock in actions for members

Note: If a permission that involves viewing/editing all users is disabled, admins will not have access to everyone’s profiles anymore and will only have access to view/modify members they manage. 

  • Managers 

Managers can have the following permissions configured:

  1. Customize settings for managed groups – set up group-specific settings including time tracking and activity settings.
  2. View everyone’s profile and all groups view all user profiles and all groups within the organization, without the ability to edit information.
  3. Edit managed members’ profiles –  make modifications to the personal information and contact details of the members they oversee.
  4. Edit managed members’ time entries and timesheets – access and make changes to managed members’ time entries, including accepting/rejecting their time off requests.
  5. View timesheets for all users – view timesheets for all users within the organization without the ability to edit information.
  6. Clock in or out on behalf of managed members – clock in/out for managed members and use their own Kiosk PIN codes to override clock in actions for managed members.
  • Members

The following permission can be configured for members:

  1. View “Who’s In/Out” widget – see which group members are presently clocked in, clocked out, or on break. This widget will remain hidden if the member is not a part of any group even though the permission is enabled.

For a quick summary of the default permissions enabled per role, refer below:

Roles and Permissions Overview

Customizing default role permissions

Every individual granted a certain role inside the organization will adhere to the default role permissions. Until permissions are specifically altered, the default permissions apply to any individual based on their roles. 

Customization of default role permissions can be configured via Jibble’s web app. To learn how to customize default role permissions, read our article on roles and permissions

Customizing individual permissions

Individual role permissions allow you to further adjust the access rights for users of a certain role. This gives you the ability to configure role permissions depending on the requirements and responsibilities of each specific user, overriding the default settings.

By visiting the person’s profile, you may adjust permissions that are unique to them. Only Admin and Manager positions have configurable individual permissions which are only available on the Ultimate plan.

  1. Go to Menu > People.
  2. Select the preferred admin or manager you wish to make changes to.
  3. Scroll down the profile page to locate the Permissions section.Changing role via member profile on mobile
  4. Under Permissions, tap on the toggles to enable or disable permissions as needed.Enabling permissions via member profile on mobile
  5. Once done, click Save.

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