How to sign up for a Jibble account?

Signing up for Jibble is quick and easy

Jibble is a time tracking software designed to help organizations boost productivity and manage attendance effectively. Whether you’re creating your own organization or joining an existing one created by a team member, signing up for an account is quick and easy. You can sign up either through email or by using a third-party service for added convenience.

Important ❗️: Ensure you have access to your third-party service (e.g., Google, Apple, Microsoft) before proceeding.

This article covers:

Signing up with your email address or phone number

  1. Go to on your browser.
  2. Fill in your name, email or phone number, and create a password. Agree to the terms and click Create Account.Create account button on create a new account page
  3. You can join an existing organization via an invitation or create a new one.
    • If invited, you’ll find the invitation under pending invitations. Click Accept to join or Decline to dismiss it.Invitation to join organization
    • To create an organization, click Create a new organization and enter your details.Create new organization button
  4. You’re now all set to start using Jibble!

Note: You must use a valid email to complete a new organization registration. Inviting members will only be possible after an email verification.

Signing up using a third-party service

  1. Go to on your browser.
  2. In the Connect with section, choose your preferred third-party service, or click and more to see additional options.Using third-party services to sign up
  3. Select your preferred option (e.g., Microsoft, Facebook, Google).
  4. Log in to your chosen account and accept the required permissions.
  5. Agree to Jibble’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then click Create Account to finish signing up.
  6. You’re now ready to start using Jibble!

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