Getting started as a new member

A guide on how to get started with Jibble as a Member

Jibble is a platform where your team can organize and track time together. Every team uses Jibble differently. Read on to know more about how to get started as a member and what you can do with Jibble’s employee time clock software.

Using Jibble without an account

Is your team tracking employee time on a shared kiosk device?

If yes, your team uses basic time tracking and you are not required to check your timesheets.

If you would like to have access to your data, talk to your manager or admin to consider sending invites to you and your team members to create an account.

Using Jibble with an account

Once invited by your manager, you can create an account to start tracking your work hours, view timesheets, and access other features based on your role and permissions in Jibble. Learn more about different roles and permissions in Jibble.

If you haven’t received an invite, contact your manager for assistance. For detailed steps on accepting invites, check out our guide on joining your organization.

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